ICMPv6 Specific Packet Handling
[Packet Buffer]

Collaboration diagram for ICMPv6 Specific Packet Handling:


#define fip_packet_getFromICMP6Hdr_Type()   fip_packet_getFromBuf_Uint8(FIP_TLBUF, 0)
 Get the ICMPv6 'type' in the header.
#define fip_packet_getFromICMP6Hdr_Code()   fip_packet_getFromBuf_Uint8(FIP_TLBUF, 1)
 Get the ICMPv6 'Code' in the header.
#define fip_packet_setToICMP6Hdr_Type(data)   fip_packet_setToBuf_Uint8(FIP_TLBUF, 0, data)
 Set the ICMPv6 'type' in the header.
#define fip_packet_setToICMP6Hdr_Code(data)   fip_packet_setToBuf_Uint8(FIP_TLBUF, 1, data)
 Set the ICMPv6 'code' in the header.
#define fip_packet_setToICMP6Hdr_Checksum(data)   {fip_packet_setToBuf_Uint8(FIP_TLBUF, 2, fip_Uint16_getMSB((data))); fip_packet_setToBuf_Uint8(FIP_TLBUF, 3, fip_Uint16_getLSB((data)));}
 Set the ICMPv6 'checksum' in the header, converts byte order correctly.

Generated on Wed Dec 8 13:00:48 2010 for FIP by  doxygen