Compiler-specific header
[FIP Architecture]

Collaboration diagram for Compiler-specific header:


file  fip_compiler.h
 Compiler-Specific Defines.


#define _PACKSTART
 Used to turn packing of an entire structure on.
#define _PACKEND
 Used to turn packing of an entire structure off.
#define _PS
 Used to pack a single structure, comes before the structure name in the deceleration.
#define PRINTCONST(x)
 Print a constant string.
#define PRINTF
 Print a formatted string.
#define fip_memcpy   memcpy
 Memory copy.
#define fip_memcpy_ucharLen   memcpy
 Memory copy, where the length will always be representable in an unsigned char.
#define fip_ip6addr_cpy(dest, src)   fip_memcpy_ucharLen((unsigned char *)(dest), (unsigned char *)(src), 16)
 Address copy, basically a memcpy with a fixed 16-byte length.
#define fip_toUint16(msb, lsb)   ((uint16_t)((lsb) | ((uint16_t)(msb) << 8)))
 Convert from 8-bit MSB and LSB to 16-bit unsigned integer, with proper mapping for the build architecture.
#define fip_Uint16_getLSB(x)   ((uint8_t)(x))
 Convert from 16-bit unsigned integer to LSB.
#define fip_Uint16_getMSB(x)   ((uint8_t)((uint16_t)(x)>>8))
 Convert from 16-bit unsigned integer to MSB.
#define fip_padUpTo4Byte(len)   {len += 3; len &= ~3;}
 Pad value 'len' by increasing to nearest multiple of 4.
#define fip_padUpTo8Byte(len)   {len += 7; len &= ~7;}
 Pad value 'len' by increasing to nearest multiple of 8.
#define fip_padDownTo4Byte(len)   {len &= ~3;}
 Decrease 'len' to nearest multiple of 4.
#define fip_padDownTo8Byte(len)   {len &= ~7;}
 Decrease 'len' to nearest multiple of 8.

Define Documentation

#define PRINTCONST (  ) 

Print a constant string.

In embedded platforms may result in storing the string in FLASH instead of RAM.

Referenced by fip_console(), fip_console_addr(), fip_console_devNameToNumber(), fip_console_getdev(), fip_console_link(), fip_console_neighbour(), fip_console_ping6(), fip_console_pref(), fip_console_route(), fip_console_udp(), and fip_console_usage().

Generated on Wed Dec 8 13:00:25 2010 for FIP by  doxygen