E:/fip/workspaces/fip/source/debug/fip_console.c File Reference

FIP Console. More...


static unsigned char fip_console_link (void)
 Processes the 'link' commands, uses the strtok() to get the string to work in.
static unsigned char fip_console_addr (void)
 Processes the 'addr' commands, uses the strtok() to get the string to work in.
static unsigned char fip_console_pref (void)
 Processes the 'addr' commands, uses the strtok() to get the string to work in.
static unsigned char fip_console_neighbour (void)
 Processes the 'neig' commands, uses the strtok() to get the string to work in.
static unsigned char fip_console_ping6 (void)
 Send an ICMPv6 Echo Request.
static unsigned char fip_console_route (void)
 Processes the 'route' commands, uses the strtok() to get the string to work in.
static unsigned char fip_console_udp (void)
 Processes the 'udp' commands, uses the strtok() to get the string to work in.
static void fip_console_usage (void)
 Print FIP Console Usage Information.
void fip_console (char *str)
 Main FIP console.
static fip_bool_t fip_console_devNameToNumber (char *curstr, unsigned char *deviceNum)
 Convert the passed string for an interface name to the associated interface number, or if a number was passed just conver this number from ASCII to decimal.
unsigned char str2addr (char *str, uint8_t *addr, unsigned char maxlen)
 Convert a string in '02:03:04:05:06' format to array {0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06}.
static fip_bool_t fip_console_getdev (uint8_t *deviceNum)
 Gets the 'dev' parameter from the string currently in strtok().


static const char tokens [] = " \n"
 Tokens used during processing.

Detailed Description

FIP Console.

Colin O'Flynn

Generated on Wed Dec 8 13:00:19 2010 for FIP by  doxygen