E:/fip/workspaces/fip/source/corenet/fip_route6.c File Reference

IPv6 Routing Functions. More...


fip_return_t fip_route6_addRoute (const unsigned char route[], unsigned char routeLen, unsigned char metric, fip_ifnum_t interface, fip_vlifetime_t lifetime, const fip_ip6addr_t *const nextHop, fip_bool_t advRoute)
 Add a route to the route table, does not check if entry exists already.
fip_route6_searchStatus_t fip_route6_findRouteByDestination (const unsigned char *route, unsigned char routeLen)
 Find an exact entry in the routing table, used to delete/modify that entry.
fip_route6_searchStatus_t fip_route6_findRouteByNextHop (const fip_ip6addr_t *const nextHop)
 Find an exact entry in the routing table, used to delete/modify that entry.
fip_ds6_searchStatus_t fip_route6_findBestRoute (const fip_ip6addr_t *const destination)
 Find the best route for the destination.
const fip_ip6addr_tfip_route6_getNextHop (void)
 ONLY called for unicast!
void fip_route6_process (void)
 IPv6 Packet is not actually destined to use, BUT we have forwarding enabled.

Detailed Description

IPv6 Routing Functions.

Colin O'Flynn

Generated on Wed Dec 8 13:00:19 2010 for FIP by  doxygen